Sunday, June 9, 2024

Update: Press Release

Yesterday, the MSTA, Avalon Farms HOA and Gary Kline’s appeal of the Drubner Equities, LLC wetlands permit for the former Timex property was denied by Superior Court Judge John L. Cordani. A link to the decision will be posted in comments below. This was the first of four appeals that will challenge this ill-sited project, and the MSTA is unfazed by this decision.

The Conservation Commission process was predetermined and designed specifically to withstand appeal. However, we are confident that the project will not survive the next appeal, which will be heard in December. We will be appealing both recent decisions to approve the amended applications submitted on behalf of Flint Development (the wetlands permit and the P&Z application).

We are grateful for all your past support, and thrilled to see the continued interest in citizen participation in our town government processes. Thank you for partnering with us in this fight! We will continue to keep you updated on the process.

Press Release Link:

Case File Link:

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