Thursday, December 29, 2022

“Middlebury CT Neighborhood Page” Facebook Group Poll


“Middlebury CT Neighborhood Page” Group

347 Votes, 90% Not in Favor of amending the zoning code


Here is a sampling of some of the comments

·         Wondering why anyone would vote in favor of this and if they actually live here in Middlebury.

·         I am in favor of this type of development in a proper location, industrial park!!! Brings tax revenue with very low impact on school and other community services taxing authorities. I would not be in favor of the location currently proposed as I understand it to be.

o   Response: hopefully it will be stopped at the proposed location and directed to a more suitable local

·         Recently it takes like 20 min to get through the light in Middlebury. When there’s an accident on 84 it takes double. Imagine what traffic would be like with all of the big trucks?! No thanks. I’ll gladly pay our taxes

o   Response: Or they’ll be passing Pomperaug. That intersection is a disaster. Increased traffic on either side isn’t beneficial to anyone who lives here

·         For a town that won’t approve a drive through on a business, why would we allow this much of a disturbance to local traffic/life? I can’t imagine one positive outcome that this will bring to town.

·         A BIG NO, less taxes at the cost of kid’s/neighborhood safety is not worth [it]

·         Btw..where would such a building or complex even go..??? Is there an industrial park I am not aware of

o   Response: the Timex headquarters property on Christian Road. It would sit between Avalon Farms and Benson Woods. Sadly not in an industrial park where something of this scale belongs but between two residential neighborhoods.

§  Response: just don't see that location supporting a complex like that..traffic, road width for trucks etc..

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