Conservation Commission meeting - Tuesday, January 31st @ 7:30pm, Shepardson Community Center Auditorium
- Wear something RED to show your opposition to destroying wetlands on the Timex site
- Plan to arrive early to ensure you can find parking and a seat
- Here’s the meeting agenda: https://www. files/vyhlif6871/f/agendas/ 013123_0.pdf - If you can’t attend, email your comments to the Wetlands Officer, Debbie Seavey at
by Tuesday, 1/31 at 4pm. - If you can’t attend, the meeting will be available to watch on Zoom. Here’s the link:
Planning and Zoning public hearing - Thursday, February 2nd @ 7pm, Shepardson Community Center (room TBD)
- Wear something RED to show your opposition to adding Distribution facilities as a permitted use in the LI-200 zone
- Plan to arrive early to ensure you can find parking and a seat
- Meeting agenda is not yet posted, will be here: https://www.middlebury- commission - If you can’t attend, email your comments to Curt Bosco at
If you try to attend either meeting and are turned away because you can’t find a place to park or you can’t get into the building, please email right away to let us know.