Monday, January 30, 2023

TOWN UPDATE: New Meeting Information this week 1/31 & 2/2

The town is hearing our collective voice! Let's show up to the meetings (wearing red) so everyone knows we are united.

In response to requests from Middlebury residents who wish to participate in the ongoing Land Use Commission proceedings, the following accommodations have been implemented:

Both meetings will be held at the Shepardson Community Center Auditorium.

Conservation Commission Meeting, Tuesday, January 31, 2023, 7:30 pm. 

Planning and Zoning Commission, Thursday, February 2, 2023, 7:00 pm.


Both meetings will be available via ZOOM.

Conservation Commission link:    (Meeting, not a Public Hearing).

Planning and Zoning Commission link:   (Public Hearing).


The Shepardson Auditorium will have a sound system monitored by sound and video technicians to accommodate both the Commissioners and the public participants. The Commissioners will have microphones as will the podium.

The main Auditorium will have the Panel of Commissioners seated on the stage as to provide optimal seating on the floor for 150 audience members.


The adjacent dining room will be void of tables and be arranged with additional seating and audio/video feed.

Room 26 will have additional seating and audio/video feed.


A shuttle bus service will be available for overflow parking at both the Library and Town Hall. The Shuttle bus will traverse the parking lots of the Library, Town Hall and Shepardson commencing one half hour prior to each meeting. It will be available for the duration of the meetings and after the conclusion for the safety and convenience of the participants.

Commuters are asked to remain in their vehicles with flashers on to alert the shuttle driver for prompt pickup.


Police and Fire Officers will be on hand to insure the safety of the public.

Additional measures will be implemented as deemed appropriate.


Curtis Bosco


Middlebury Planning and Zoning

1212 Whittemore Road

Middlebury, CT 06762

(203) 577-4162 Ext 2

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