Thursday, March 30, 2023

Bull in a china shop...

Bull in a china shop. That's the best way to describe the proposed re-development of the Timex Property. No offense to the bull - he's entitled to be himself - but not in a china shop. This project should be confined to an area that can handle its destructive power (no wetlands destroyed & no sensitive environmental receptors on all sides), and that's not in Middlebury.

Help us close the door on the bull...
We raised $4868 of our $10,000 goal for March. We're thankful for that support and have put it to good use. The fight's not over, so the fundraising isn't over yet either. Any amount is a valuable contribution to the cause - we appreciate all of it!
Checks can be sent to Middlebury Small Town Alliance, PO Box 1073, Middlebury, CT, 06762

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