Thursday, June 8, 2023

Heard Around Town

A strange new talking point has come to our attention claiming that “many people” in town support building a 670,000 sq ft distribution facility on the Timex Property at 555 Christian Rd. To quote Conservation Commissioner Bosco, let’s “rely on the science” to evaluate the truth of this statement.

Our methodology: we headed to Town Hall, and looked at the official record for the Southford Park application (also known as the Conservation Commission Application #490 - 555 Christian Rd/764 Southford Rd). We also checked the minutes of the January 5th Planning and Zoning Public Hearing. Here’s what we found:

At the January 5, 2023 P&Z Public Hearing:
• 90 residents signed a petition OPPOSING the proposed text amendments to allow distribution facilities in the LI-200 zone
• Dozens of additional OPPOSITION emails were acknowledged by ZEO Curt Bosco (exact number not listed in the P&Z minutes but should be available in the file at Town Hall)
• 18 residents spoke AGAINST the application during the public hearing
• The rest of the residents who wanted to speak but were cut off at 9pm signed a sheet documenting their opposition (exact number not known but should be available to look at)
• One letter from the owner of the Middlebury Racquet Club was IN FAVOR of the text amendment (plus an additional request that a proviso specifically adding the wording “Commercial Health Club Facilities and any Special Exception uses permitted under Section 42.4 not to exceed fifty (50) feet”

Conservation Commission file for Application #490:
• 139 citizens sent in written correspondence OPPOSED to the application
• One of these letters spoke for 138 residents at Ridgewood, all OPPOSED to the application
• 15 members of the public spoke AGAINST the application at the 3/28/23 public hearing
• 50 members of the public spoke AGAINST the application at the 4/3/23 public hearing
• 4 members of the public spoke AGAINST the application at the 4/18/23 public hearing

Additional Data:
• Hundreds of residents showed up wearing OPPOSITION RED during the nine meetings the Conservation Commission held between January 31 and May 10, 2023
• The Conservation Commission meetings had to be moved to the Pomperaug High School Auditorium to accommodate the number of OPPOSED residents attending meetings
• The 100-person limit on ZOOM was exceeded for multiple meetings and had to be upgraded to 500 people
• Multiple major news sources reported on the OPPOSITION: NBC, WFSB, WTNH, Hartford Courant, CT Mirror
• 350 OPPOSITION lawn signs were given out
• 260 donors gave more than $60,000 to fund the OPPOSITION
• Dozens Marched for Middlebury on April 30th
• Pies and Pub fundraiser - given 10% of profits (P&P made $4000, MSTA got $400)
• Time and expertise donated: graphic design

In summary, there is only one recorded instance of someone supporting this project between January 5th and now. There are hundreds of data points demonstrating OPPOSITION in multiple ways. If it is true that “many people” support the project, where have they been? How would you recognize this support? Where are the signs or letters or official color or comments on the record at public meetings? Where is the Facebook Group or posts on the Middlebury Facebook Group? Show us the “science,” because we truly believe that everyone has a right to express their opinion. In fact, we invite everyone (either FOR or AGAINST a distribution facility) to the August 3rd Planning and Zoning Public Hearing at 7pm for the MSTA’s Proposed Zoning Regulation Amendment, a Moratorium on Distribution Facilities of any size and Warehouses in excess of 100,000 square feet. (Application #23- 26Z). The purpose of the application is to give everyone in Middlebury an opportunity to weigh in on what we want our future to look like. If you want this for Middlebury, then say so and let’s talk about the pros and cons. Otherwise, the data proves Middlebury overwhelmingly OPPOSES a distribution facility in our town.

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